The Android mobile operating system has come a long way in last 4 years. Back in 2009 when Google launched its first version, the Cupcake, it was very primitive and lacked several essential features. But they quickly learned the market statistics and customer requirement trends and upgraded themselves pretty quickly. Within a year they came up with 3 new versions namely, Donut, Éclair & Froyo. Among them, Froyo started getting popular quickly across the world.

Then in 2010 and 2011 Froyo along with its next 2 subsequent versions Gingerbread and Honeycomb quite literally established Android as one of the strongest and the most powerful Android mobile operating system in the world of smartphones. From Cupcake that could only let you surf the internet, check emails, manage day-to-day calendar, and enjoy your media it became a feature rich operating system in Jelly Bean today, which would intelligently check the location of the user, support multiple languages for contextual approach, record HD videos, edit them, play them on super high resolution screens, and perform tons of other tasks to make the user’s life more comfortable and more informative.

This hasn’t just been a good ride for the customers. It has also been a blessing in disguise for the Android app developers. It has opened up so many potential domains that app developers can venture into and create wonderful apps for Android users.

Recently in September Google announced that their next version after Jelly Bean is going to be KitKat. It will be the successor to Jelly Bean and its version will be called 4.4 and not much speculated 5.0. Everyone is curious about what features will be offered in it and what changes will be made in it compared to the latest Jelly Bean.

There are reports from strong sources that there might be changes in design and UI of the OS. The transitions and content transition would be a lot smoother. There might also be higher degrees of cloud integration. Google might push Google drive harder in the Android devices to sync the user’s files. Also, looking at the developments in the last few versions, it seems that the battery life would improve and the OS would use the battery optimally.

Google is yet to release all the development material and instructions needed for developing apps for KitKat. But there shouldn’t be any drastic changes for apps that are already working fine in Jelly Bean as Android has been growing smoothly. Keep watching this space for updated information regarding KitKat and get in touch with our representative to know more about developing Android apps.

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