iPhone apps are forever in demand. The craze is just getting wild. iPhone App Development has increased manifold since the launch of iPhone 4.

Ever since Apple introduced iPhone and the App store, developers have been interested in making the apps as public-friendly as possible. With the recent release of the trendy iPod touch and iPhone 4 and smart and sleek iPad, the overall interest has increased manifold and the development costs too have skyrocketed.

The stats revealed by Pinch Media are insightful as it clearly showed that the apps don’t have repeat value. Most users move on within a month to find some other apps and also switch their interest in some other entertainment apps. Most of the apps are nowadays aligned towards entertainment but as analysts say, business apps which are preferred by professionals and corporate guys is here to stay and will surge ahead in the near future. According to an iPhone Development, the apps should be properly priced and the apps are also offered at promotional rates sometimes to generate interest.

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